Prolapse Repair Surgery

The aim of prolapse repair surgery is to restore normal anatomy, correct bladder and bowel abnormalities, and restore normal sexual function.  Dr Marshall will thoroughly assess the symptoms and signs of dysfunction and will discuss with you a plan for the best type of surgery to restore normal anatomy and reduce the likelihood of a recurrence, with the least risk of complications. 

There are a variety of procedures and techniques for this surgery and these include:

  • Anterior repair surgery (front wall of the vagina) is for support of the bladder. A cut is made in the vagina and the weakened deeper tissues are reinforced and stitched together.  The vaginal skin is then closed over the repair.
  • Posterior repair surgery (back wall of the vagina) is for support of the bowel
  • Vaginal hysterectomy – when the uterus is prolapsing down.
  • Sacrospinous fixation
  • Sacrocolpopexy

Prolapse surgery can be complex surgery, depending on the grade, severity and the areas involved.  Therefore careful assessment and discussion about the correct surgery will be done.  There are different types of surgery and different methods and Dr Marshall will individualise treatment specific to your problems. 

At your consultation Dr Marshall will describe these procedures in detail and will use illustrations to help you understand your surgery. 

There are advantages and disadvantages to each of the procedures. Dr Marshall has extensive training and experience in pelvic reconstructive surgery over many years and has excellent results.

Possible complications of surgery

As with all surgical procedures, pelvic prolapse surgery can have risks but these are minimised with an experienced gynaecologist who has undergone appropriate training.  The possible complications include:

  • Injury to other organs near the surgery such as bladder, urethra and bowel.  These injuries are rare and are usually recognized and repaired during the procedure.
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Intercourse may be painful in a small percentage of women
  • Prolapse may recur in about 20% of women over the long term.  This may not necessarily be the same prolapse but could be a new prolapse in other areas of the vagina.
  • The procedure may fail in about 5% of women
  • About 5-10% of women may develop stress urinary incontinence which was not present before the surgery.
  • Some women may have difficulty passing urine for a short while and this may require use of a urinary catheter short term.

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