Our Services
Please find below patient information on many of the procedures and surgeries that Dr Marshall commonly perform. Please remember that these are general notes and your particular procedure or surgery will be individualised according to your particular problems and circumstances. At your consultation he will discuss your procedure in detail and give you adequate time for questions. Dr Marshall will also supply you with detailed information sheets and recommended Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists treatment information pamphlets, so that you are fully informed.
When Dr Marshall’s secretary, Marion, books you for any surgery, she will also go through some important checklists. Marion has worked with Brett for more than 20 years and has considerable experience in managing patient enquiries. She has a nursing background and understands the range of issues that may present. Marion will help you with any concerns or questions along the way.
By Condition
Abnormal Pap Smears / Vulval Disorders
A Pap smear is a test used to look for changes in the cells of the cervix. An abnormal Pap test means that some of the cells of the cervix differ in some way from the normal cells. An ab..
Endometriosis is a very common cause of pelvic pain and can also cause infertility. It can lead to quite a debilitating illness in some women, causing severe scarring and damage to pelvic or..
Infertility means not being able to achieve pregnancy after twelve months of trying, but may need to be investigated earlier if there are abnormal symptoms such irregular periods or..
Menorrhagia (heavy periods)
Menorrhagia is the medical term for abnormally heavy or prolonged menstrual periods. Many women experience heavy menstrual bleeding, particularly into their forties, and this proble..
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Prolapse refers to weakness in the pelvic floor muscles and supporting tissues that results in one or more of the pelvic organs protruding into the vagina. The pelvic organs can be uterus, bowel,..
Pelvic Pain
Pelvic pain may be acute or chronic and usually indicates a problem with tissues in the pelvic area which can range from the gynaecological organs to the bowel or urinary tract. One of the most c..
Urinary Incontinence
Urinary incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine and it is a very common problem, especially as a woman becomes older. It affects one in three women over the age of 50. Fortunately treatment..
By Procedure or Treatment
Advanced Hysteroscopic Surgery
Dr Marshall was one of the first surgeons to perform endometrial ablation (http://www.drbrettmarshall.com.au/treatment/endometrial-ablation) in Australia and is recognized as a subspecialist in advanced hysteroscopic
Colposcopy / CO2 Laser Treatments of the Cervix
A colposcopy is an examination of the cervix, vagina or vulva using a magnifying microscope to check for signs of disease and thi..
This is a keyhole procedure using a very fine telescope to look inside the bladder via the urethra. It may b..
D and C, Hysteroscopy
D and C stands for Dilatation and Curettage. It is a procedure that is used to obtain a sample of the lining..
Endometrial Ablation
Abnormally heavy or prolonged bleeding during menstruation (menorrhagia) is an incapacitating and distressing problem for many women. Unfortunately it ..
Hysterectomy is an operation to remove a woman’s uterus. A woman may consider having a hysterectomy for a number of reasons but t ..
Laparoscopic Sterilisation
This must be looked on as permanent female contraception and the woman should be absolutely sure that she d ..
Laparoscopic Surgery
Laparoscopic surgery is often called “keyhole” surgery. This is because it is performed through tiny incisions in the abdomen ..
Mirena IUD
Mirena IUD is a T-shaped, hormone-releasing system placed in your uterus to prevent pregnancy for up to five years. It releases a ..
Neotonus Pelvic Floor Chair
The NeoTonus Pelvic Floor Chair is a non-invasive and painless therapy for urinary incontinence. It can also help treat prolapse and recent studies have also shown ..
Prolapse Repair Surgery
The aim of prolapse repair surgery is to restore normal anatomy, correct bladder and bowel abnormalities, and restore normal sexual function. Dr Marshall will thoroughly ..
Sling Surgery for Incontinence
If conservative treatment of stress incontinence (as above) does not adequately resolve this problem, then minimally invasive sling surgery is now the most common surgical treatment. This urethral support ..
Laser Laparoscopy
Laser laparoscopy is used to perform a multitude of gynaecologic operative procedures in the treatment of pelvic pain, painful periods and infertility. It has been used around ..