Pelvic Organ Prolapse


Prolapse refers to weakness in the pelvic floor muscles and supporting tissues that results in one or more of the pelvic organs protruding into the vagina. The pelvic organs can be uterus, bowel, bladder and the vagina itself. Prolapse and urinary incontinence are pelvic floor disorders that are very common, particularly in women after the menopause. The causes may be related to difficult childbirth, an inherited weakness of the pelvic floor tissues, chronic strain on the pelvic floor such as heaving lifting or coughing, obesity, and post menopause when female oestrogen hormone drops. There are various types of prolapse and Dr Marshall will explain what you have after a thorough examination. Prolapse can cause various symptoms ranging from the feeling of a “lump” vaginally, vaginal heaviness or pressure, urinary incontinence, bowel symptoms and interference with sexual enjoyment.

If your GP is referring you to Dr Marshall for this problem please let Brett’s secretary Marion know, because we will send you out a special question sheet to assess all of your symptoms. This will help towards determining the exact and appropriate treatment for your problem.

Dr Marshall offers surgical and non-surgical treatment for pelvic floor disorders. He will counsel you about the importance of lifestyle and pelvic floor exercises for long term management and there is also a pelvic floor physiotherapist who consults at his rooms.

Treatments and procedures

Neotonus Pelvic Floor Chair

The NeoTonus Pelvic Floor Chair is a non-invasive and painless therapy for urinary incontinence. It can also help treat prolapse and recent studies have also shown ..

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Prolapse Repair Surgery

The aim of prolapse repair surgery is to restore normal anatomy, correct bladder and bowel abnormalities, and restore normal sexual function. Dr Marshall will thoroughly ..

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Sling Surgery for Incontinence

If conservative treatment of stress incontinence (as above) does not adequately resolve this problem, then minimally invasive sling surgery is now the most common surgical treatment. This urethral support ..

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